18/12/22 - 100 visitors!

On this day, 100 pained souls visited this website. I have no idea how or why anyone found this website, but I'm pretty sure at least 80 of them were me. The other 20 were either random Neocities users or Finnish people trying to find skulls on Google. I made this website just for personal stuff, and I have shown it to people I know in real life (yes, even my parents). The people I've shown it to have written in the guestbook, currently there's only 3, but that number will increase soon? Anyway, this website is nowhere NEAR interesting enough for 100 people to visit it. As I said earlier, a LOT of them were probably me checking the website because the counter lists how many TIMES the site has been seen, and not how many unique visitors. Anyway, 100. hurra..